Thursday, December 18, 2008

The New Promotion Policy- As tight a slap as can be

This is one positive outcome of the entire imbroglio since the govt dragged the 6CPC and its recommendations in.

There are a number of people who have asked in recent times as to why our top generals did not protest as the babus went about downgrading the status of the forces- Now can you see why?

The brasso was afraid of someone opening the cupboard and the skeletons and the not_yet_completely_ dead officers stumbling out.

I will add on to this on getting to know further details

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ABSOLUTELY TRUE. open the cupboard and skeletons of dead and still some living would drop.
These Generals were responsible for consistent and gradual disparity .They are guilty of neglect and denial of due pays to LT COL and below.