Sunday, December 14, 2008

Together- We Can

It will be foolish to assume that after the happenings of the last couple of months, the GOM will be not clear about any aspect of our pay status vis a vis any other service of the govt. These gents can sell ice to an eskimo and to think that they require any further explanation on this issue will be surely living in a fools paradise.
In the past two months here, we have shown varied emotions to a singular problem- bewildered, scandalised, sanguine, hopeful, in denial, flustered, desperate, rebellious, hapless and even resigned....
I hope, for the sake of our training, we do not approach an operation with this variety. Remember to Vote sensibly and vote together so that we stay relevent to safeguard the izzat and future of services

In the coming general elections service pers have options to

A) Vote at their native place or

B) vote at their place of service

Take a constituency such as Dehradun, Pune, Chandigarh where reasonable No of Sevice pers have settled. Also these stns host large services establishments. Take a station with 20000 service pers posted . All be requested to vote for one common candidate, say 'X'. Now if this major stn is also the native place/ place of settlement to another 20,000 service pers and their families, All to nominate one single Indl as the nominee for their proxy vote. The indl is further instructed to vote for the chosen candidate 'X'.

We shall have a bank of 40,000 votes at these places. This is adequate to make these people sit and listen. Isrealies do it all the time. The question is Can we look ahead together or we expect alms from the ungrateful

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well all service people should vote at their place of stay.
forget home town and native place as that is all crap and leads to no where.
Election commission should immediately send people to Defence units in their place of stay and register them.
issue an I card (at last they will have a I card acceptable and photograshable).
make a pooling booth in a unit/bde as per the strenght.
and any new place the faujis go then he should straight away add his name in voters list.
make the CO answarable by having a remarks in many are registered voters and their wifes.
all SF accomodation should also be covered like this.
and loo India will change as Faujis will vote an dpoliticians will listen .